My Family


Hi there, and welcome to my families food and recipe blog, where we are going to be sharing with you Russian recipes, Czech recipes and new recipes that we have learned over the years.  I am from the Czech Republic so I will be sharing a lot of delicious recipes from my childhood, and my husband is from Kazakhstan, which mean a lot of yummy recipes from his childhood.  I really like to keep recipes on the simple side using ingredients that are common and easy to use, but that does not mean that the flavor is going to be lacking, oh no they are far from that.

I have been cooking since I was very young helping out in the kitchen with my mom and grandma, but I really started to take an interest in cooking when I was 15, and I really wanted to go to the grocery store and buy ingredients to make something new.  Now that I have 4 wonderful children of my own, I love it when they want to help me out in the kitchen.  Speaking of my children, I have my son Pavel who is 7 years old and loves anything that is a challenge (just like his father) and he is so helpful with anything you ask him to do.  Then there is my first daughter Vera who is 5 and who’s birthday is one day before mine :), she is the bossy one and definatly likes to be in charge, but she absolutely loves helping in the kitchen, if she sees me doing something she will try to take over whatever anyone else is doing.  Third there is my 4 year old Viktoriya, she has so much love to share, she will randomly come up and give you a hug and kiss or just tell you she loves you, but don’t let that fool you she is also a tough cookie, and whenever she is allowed she is always ready to help out in the kitchen.  My last but certainly not least is Violetta, only 18 months old but you could never tell, she keeps up with her sisters and brother like she is the same age, it is really something amazing.  If she see me doing something in the kitchen she takes a chair and pushes up to the counter to be right next to me while cooking.  So in my kitchen it is never lonely, or boring that’s for sure.  My husband Pavel, and I have been married for 9 years, and are loving being parents of our four children.  Our children are the center of our lives, we attend church on Saturday, and family time on Sundays.  I hope you got to know my family a little and we hope that our recipes will be enjoyed by your family.